Paramount Pictures gave a surprise announcement yesterday with the reveal of their newest blockbuster comedy sequel, coming July 18, 2025. The studio announced that...
Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures have announced that production will begin on the next installment of the multibillion-dollar Saw franchise, which has now is now...
What do you want to hunt? Following last May’s first-look teaser of the forthcoming action-thriller Prey, the newest entry in the “Predator” franchise, 20th...
CinemaCon attendees were treated to a taste of Pandora yesterday when Disney debuted the long-awaited trailer for James Cameron‘s upcoming sci-fi sequel, Avatar: The...
According to government agency Screen Queensland, an as-yet-untitled follow-up to 2021’s Godzilla vs. Kong will enter principal photography later this year in Queensland, Australia....
At last night’s Hollywood Beyond Fest where Michael Dougherty‘s recent, yet already cult classic Trick ‘r Treat closed the proceedings, the audience cheered as...
Sam Raimi’s horror film The Evil Dead has become a worldwide sensation since it was released, not just because of Bruce Campbell’s legendary performance,...
Marc Forster‘s adaptation of World War Z is certainly to be considered one of the year’s pleasant surprises following the more than bumpy development...