Michael Felker, a seasoned editor making his feature directorial debut, has crafted one of the most intricately-woven and mind-bending sci-fi shockers ever committed to...
The Radleys punctures the pretensions of the age-old vampire narrative by infusing it with a biting suburban satire, transforming the notion of bloodsucking creatures...
Beyond all prognosis, this remake of the Danish source material went beyond this critic’s initial skepticism, especially after being deeply affected by the twisted...
Apple TV+ has today debuted the trailer for its upcoming psychological thriller series “Before,” which stars and is executive produced by the multi-award-winning actor,...
The Greatest Showman, that infamous outing did a lot to whitewash PT Barnum and his horrendous treatment of people with disabilities and deformities by...
French director Betrand Bonello’s work in The Beast explores both a dystopian future run by artificial intelligence and the romantic idea of soulmates that...
In his latest film, What You Wish For, director Nicholas Tomnay (The Perfect Host) crafts a deliciously sinister premise that deftly avoids becoming another...
Francis Galluppi‘s feature directorial debut, The Last Stop in Yuma County evokes the atmosphere of iconic 1970s crime thrillers while injecting it with a...
First-time feature writer-director John Rosman‘s New Life is a gripping, high-stakes thriller that blends elements of pandemic chillers like Outbreak with the tense cat-and-mouse...
Every fall in England, the giant veggie grower community takes its produce to horticultural shows for a weigh-in or a measure-up. These shows provide...