Following the massive success of “Dahmer”, the true-crime anthology series “Monsters” from the prolific creative minds of Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan is set...
Anthony Mackie wields the shield in the new trailer just dropped today for Marvel Studios‘ Captain America: Brave New World, directed by Julius Onah (The...
Lionsgate has today debuted the first official trailer for Mel Gibson‘s (Lethal Weapon V, Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ) high-stakes suspense thriller, Flight...
Universal has today debuted the hugely anticipated trailer for Robert Eggers‘ (The VVitch: A New-England Folktale, The Northman) Nosferatu ahead of its January 3, 2025...
Apple TV+ has released the trailer for the upcoming Spanish-language crime drama “Women in Blue” (“Las Azules”), featuring an all-Hispanic cast and crew, and...
Apple TV+ has just dropped the official trailer for its forthcoming darkly comedic mystery series “Sunny,” based on the book “Dark Manual” by Japan-based award-winning Irish...
Prime Video has today debuted the official trailer for Liz W. Garcia‘s (Purple Hearts, “The Sinner”) inspirational rom-com Space Cadet starring and exec-produced by...
The London Soundtrack Festival (LSF), London’s first dedicated annual festival celebrating music from cinema, television and games, has today revealed a first glimpse as...
Netflix has greenlit a Peaky Blinders feature film to continue the multi-award-winning gangster series set in the lawless streets of 1900s Birmingham. Scheduled to...
Studiocanal has today debuted the first official trailer for The Outrun based on Amy Liptrot’s eponymous bestselling memoir. Co-written and directed by Nora Fingscheidt...
What can we say except, thank you Walt Disney Animated Studios for releasing a new teaser trailer and stills for the hugely-anticipated sequel Moana...
Apple TV+ has announced the premiere date and provided a first-look at “Bad Monkey,” the forthcoming comedy series from award-winning executive producer Bill Lawrence...
The recently launched theatrical distributor of British films, True Brit Entertainment, founded by Zygi Kamasa, has just released a sneak peek still from Roman...