After securing worldwide rights to Coralie Fargeat‘s (Revenge, “Sandman”) The Substance, a Working Title Films production, MUBI has now released an exclusive clip and...
Magnet Releasing has just dropped the official trailer for Quentin Dupieux’s (Rubber, Mandibles) outrageous comedy Smoking Causes Coughing in anticipation of the film’s impending...
UK distributor Studio Soho has announced having acquired the UK and Ireland rights for Saim Sadiq‘s debut feature Joyland, which took home this year’s...
White Horse Pictures has revealed the first sneak-peek still from Gary Shore‘s (Dracula Untold) upcoming supernatural shocker The Queen Mary. Directed by Shore, from...
MUBI will release Ninja Thyberg‘s bold feature directorial debut Pleasure with special event screenings taking place on June 15, 2022, prior to the film...
In anticipation of the over-35-years-in-the-making sequel, Top Gun: Maverick, Paramount Pictures felt the need, the need for a breakneck speed featurette that takes us...
Picturehouse Entertainment has unveiled a brand-new trailer and poster for visionary director Gaspar Noé‘s (Irreversible, Climax) VORTEX in anticipation of the film’s May 13th...
The Cannes film market sees Lionsgate acquire the UK rights to Adam Smith’s directorial debut Trespass Against Us starring Michael Fassbender (12 Years a Slave),...
In brief: Paranormal Activity producer Steven Schneider has another found-footage horror feature up his sleeve. Going by the title The Houses October Built, Brian O’Shea‘s...