Plaion PIctures has today confirmed that Lawrence Jacomeli‘s feature directorial debut, the gripping survival thriller, Blood Star, will celebrate its UK premiere at the renowned...
“There are no ground rules with friends.” – Harper Steele Netflix has today debuted the official trailer and poster for the critically acclaimed Sundance...
Their music conjured an unspeakable evil…. Their story shocked the world… Welcome Villain Films has unveiled the official trailer and poster for Patricio Valladares‘...
Following its world premiere at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival last June, Guillém Morales‘ (“Inside No. 9”, The Uninvited Guest) tense, twist-filled psychological thriller...
Picturehouse Entertainment has unveiled a brand-new trailer and poster for visionary director Gaspar Noé‘s (Irreversible, Climax) VORTEX in anticipation of the film’s May 13th...
Shudder has now revealed the first trailer, stills and key art for Gustavo Hernandez’ upcoming “Shudder Original” zombie thriller, Virus :32. Fans of the...
Apple TV+ has today released the first official trailer for the darkly comedic anthology series, “Roar” which promises audiences an insightful, poignant and occasionally...
BritBox UK today revealed the official trailer for Hugh Laurie‘s three-part miniseries adaptation of the 1934 Agatha Christie novel, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?. Directed...
Following yesterday’s eerie poster reveal for visionary filmmaker Alex Garland‘s (Ex Machina, Annihilation) feverish, shape-shifting new horror film, MEN, A24 has now released the...
Lightbulb Film Distribution has released the UK theatrical poster and official trailer for Jane Schoenbrun’s (A Self-Induced Hallucination) coming-of-age horror film, We’re All Going...
Pursuant to last week’s cryptic “Nippon Speed Line bullet train” viral ad campaign which promised “a new way to travel: tranquil, comfortable, and fast,”...