Netflix released the official trailer today for the upcoming darkly comedic thriller series “Bodkin,” created by Jez Scharf.
The series follows a ragtag group of podcast hosts (Will Forte, Siobhán Cullen, and Robyn Cara) investigating the mysterious vanishing of three strangers in a picturesque Irish seaside town. However, when they begin unraveling the case, they stumble upon a story far larger and more bizarre than they anticipated. In their quest to parse fact from fiction about the case, their co-workers, and even themselves, the podcast upends viewers notions of truth and exposes how we construct narratives to justify beliefs or feed fears.
Co-Showrunner and Executive Producer Alex Metcalf appreciated filming Bodkin in Ireland “The imaginary town of Bodkin is situated in West Cork, and it’s a wild and fabulous landscape. Union Hall really appealed to us as a location and so did its connection to the ocean. The fact that there’s a working harbour there, and it’s incredibly beautiful. The locals in Union Hall have been incredibly welcoming and helpful, and receptive to our work in the town.”
Dubliner, Cullen (Dove) agrees, “It’s been really brilliant shooting at home in Ireland, especially shooting in West Cork. It’s, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful places in the world.”
It’s not only the access to the stunning landscapes that gives this show its edge, but also the incredibly talented local cast and crew.
Jez Scharf, Creator, Co-showrunner and Executive Producer explains, “I think for me, one of the really exciting things is that we’ve gotten to utilise the talent in Ireland — and the level of that talent is unbelievable, across both cast and crew. What has personally been very exciting is getting to help showcase so much Irish talent, on screen and off.”
“Bodkin” debuts on Netflix on Thursday, May 9th, 2024. In the meantime, we’ll leave you with trailer which advocates that, ‘Sometimes you need a good story to protect you from the truth….’