The next installment in the Deadpool saga will mark the first time Disney will be producing the franchise since it took over 20th Century Fox. As might be expected, fans expressed their concerns that this would turn their favorite “Merc with a (Potty) Mouth” into a more family-oriented superhero format. But co-writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have dispelled all concerns whilst speaking with Den of Geek.
Wernick assured concerned fans that, “Deadpool is going to be Deadpool.”
Although Reese and Wernick were not originally on board to write the third installment, despite having penned the first two, they were hired following an early draft for the third entry written by Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin.
Commenting on being back in the writers’ room to play around with the Marvel Cinematic Universe following Disney’s takeover, Reese said, “It’s an absolute thrill to have the band back together, to have a new backdrop in the MCU with new characters, new villains, that kind of thing. You know, it’s never a marriage we necessarily saw coming, Fox and Disney, that was an external thing [apart] from our storytelling process. But we’re absolutely finding the serendipity and the gold in that situation, or we’re trying to … They’ve been incredibly supportive of what we’re doing because obviously, we were doing it separate from them for a long time, and I think they’ve seen the success and they’ve had their own even greater success. So hopefully it’ll be a marriage made in heaven. But we’ve definitely got their support, and that’s a great thing to feel.”