We’re only halfway through the year but there’s no denying that 2023 has already delivered a bounty of bangers, all of which we’ve shared with you in CinemaChords’ Noteworthy Nods section over the course of the past six months.
And now that the gates have just swung open on one of the biggest music celebrations of the year, Glastonbury, there’s no better time than the present to celebrate the very best in music that’s been featured in our weekly round-ups.
So, without further ado, what follows are our 20 favourite tunes that have graced the Noteworthy Nods section in 2023:
20: Danny Mellin – Ordinary Day (Ordinary Town) (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
19: Pleasure Heads – Never Trip Alone (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
18: The Voyd – Dancing In the Rain (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
17: My Life Story – Numb Numb Numb (Insta, Twitter, FB, CinemaChords’ interview)
16: The Buoys – I Want You (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
15: The Lilacs – Sticky Dancefloors (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
14: Shape of the Sun – Have You Had Enough (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
13: Petty Cassettes – Picking Petals (Insta, Twitter, FB, CinemaChords’ interview)
12: Tom A. Smith – Weirdo (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
11: The Cavs – Again (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
10: Seb Lowe – Cavalryman (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
09: The K’s – Chancer (Insta, Twitter, Facebook, CinemaChords’ interview)
08: Colour TV – Vanilla (Insta, Twitter, Facebook, CinemaChords’ interview)
07: The Kairos – P.O.P (Insta, Twitter, Facebook, CinemaChords’ interview)
06: The Sherlocks – Sirens (Insta, Twitter, Facebook, CinemaChords’ interview)
05: The Gulps – Surrender (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
04: Ash – Race the Night (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
03: Michael Gallagher – Hannah (Insta, Twitter, Facebook, CinemaChords’ interview)
02: The Manatees – The Sound (Insta, Twitter, Facebook, CinemaChords’ interview)
01: Rosborough – Oh My Sweet (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
Aside from the aforementioned track recommendations, our Noteworthy section includes weekly videocast interviews featuring musical talent we hope are either already or, about to become your new favorite artists. You can watch/rewatch all previous episodes via the video playlist below featuring the likes of Turin Brakes, Embrace, The Sherlocks, Stanleys, The K’s, The Native, The Clause, and many more.
It’s time to sign off but don’t be a stranger! Please do send any recommendations or track submissions to us over on Twitter and Instagram. We look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the tracks we’ve picked out for you this week.