A couple of weeks ago, I covered a short film by a promising new director Jeremiah Kipp. If you haven’t seen it, go now. It’s called Drool and it is just dripping with Cronenberg tendencies. Kipp has rather largely solidified his existence as a prominent and future horror master, able to illicit completely terrifying visceral reaction with just a very simple concession of images. Here, we’re going to look at another one of Kipp’s shorts that may not necessarily have the same impact as Drool, but certainly has you thinking.
The Days God Slept revolves around the tentative and sometimes disturbing relationship between a man and a woman. However, she is not interested in him and Kipp showcases exactly what runs through a man’s mind when he is spurned like that. What may seem like a simple short, actually evolves into something new.
It doesn’t exactly hit the places that it should and it’s quite a head scratcher on first viewing mean multiple re-watches are inevitable. However, it is still a fresh story telling devise. It bounces in this complex cut up narrative way – burning with saturated visuals and aesthetics that dabble in confusing yet emotive philosophy. It is overcome with this cinematic poetry that theorizes over memory and scenarios of jealousy, demons, gratification and self-loathing. It’s a very smart movie, even if it doesn’t sit right on first viewing.
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