That time of the week has come around again so it’s time to share with you another batch of brand new releases that have found their way to our ears, either via streaming services or by way of recommendations from our loyal readers. As is the case, week in and week out, the quantity and quality of the releases have been off the charts and we can’t begin to describe how much we appreciate all of your recommendations and/or submissions for our weekly “Noteworthy Nods” playlist.
Highlights from last week included brand-new material from Bandit, The Kairos, The Palava, Goodnight Sunrise, Sprints, DEADLETTER and Editors. And today’s curated cuts include new releases from artists including Dead Pony, Maxïmo Park, Slaney Bay, The Mease, Corella and Crystalline.
As always, our mission here is primarily to shed more light on emerging talent, so we also encourage you to support any of the music you enjoy here. It takes nothing but a few seconds to spread the word on social media, whether it be a tweet, or even just a retweet, and it doesn’t cost a penny but is worth its weight in gold for all the musicians out there. As we said, please don’t stop those suggestions/recommendations coming, and would love to hear them over on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. You can also contact me directly on Twitter here. My DM door is always wide open.
So, without further ado, here we go with our 32nd Noteworthy Nods Playlist of the year:
Aside from the aforementioned track recommendations, our Noteworthy section includes weekly videocast interviews featuring musical talent we hope are either already or, about to become your new favorite artists. You can watch/rewatch all previous episodes via the video playlist below featuring the likes of Embrace, The Sherlocks, Stanleys, The K’s, The Native, The Clause, and many more.
As always, don’t be a stranger! Please send any recommendations or track submissions to us over on Twitter and Instagram. We look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the tracks we’ve picked out for you this week.