The highly anticipated dark comedy series “Baby Reindeer” is set to premiere on Netflix on April 11, 2024. Based on comedian Richard Gadd‘s (“Code 404”)award-winning one-man show, the seven-episode limited series offers a fictionalized account of Gadd’s chilling real-life experience with a female stalker.
Gadd himself stars as the lead character Donny Dunn, a struggling stand-up comic whose life is turned upside down when he becomes the object of obsession for a woman. The film examines the warped relationship with is female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to confront deeply buried trauma.
Produced by Clerkenwell Films, the team behind the hit series “The End of The F***ing World,” this new compelling blend of dark humor and psychological thrills promises to take audiences on an emotionally intense real-life stalking nightmare.
Starring alongside Gadd are Jessica Gunning (“The Outlaws”), Nava Mau (“Generation”), Tom Goodman-Hill (“Humans”), Nina Sosanya (The End We Start From), Shalom Brune-Franklin (“Great Expectations”), and Mark Lewis Jones (“Gangs of London,” “Bodies”).
The series is written by, produced by and stars Gadd and is directed by Weronika Tofilska (“His Dark Materials,” “Hanna”) and Josephine Bornebusch (“Bad Sisters”). Mathew Mulot produces and Gadd, Petra Fried, Ed Macdonald, Matt Jarvis, and Wim De Greef serve as executive producers.