Movie Lists Top 10 Movie Insults Including….. ‘The Wizard of Oz’ When you’re sick of using the same old swear words, what better place to learn a new cussing-lingo than cinema? Over the years we... Ben IlandJuly 22, 2013
Headlines 1st Footage of Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Believe’ at Comic-Con 2013 The current trend of directors honing their skills and moving over to TV has its caught its latest addition as Alfonso Cuarón revealed the... Ben IlandJuly 22, 2013
Movie Lists Top 10 Arnie Quotes and “I’ll be back” Isn’t One of Them. The Governator is back! After a political career that was, to say the least, unsuccessful, Arnie is here and we are graced with his... Ben IlandJuly 17, 2013
Headlines Further San Diego Comic-Con Reveals From Sony and BBC Further to this morning’s Marvel reveals for this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Sony have announced that The Amazing Spiderman-2 will also be present later... Ben IlandJuly 4, 2013
Headlines Steven Spielberg Attached to ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ As the 75th anniversary of the late and great John Steinbeck’s book ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ arrives next year, Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks are... Ben IlandJuly 3, 2013
Movie Lists Top 5 Hitchcock Murder Scenes ‘The more successful the villain, the more the successful the picture’. Hitchcock certainly wasn’t lying when he said that, with some of the most... Ben IlandJuly 2, 2013