Following a successful tour of the international festival circuit which kicked off with a World Premiere at SXSW, Abigail Blackmore’s directorial feature debut, TALES...
Daniel Isn’t Real follows a troubled student called Luke (Miles Robbins) who looks to his childhood imaginary friend Daniel (Patrick Schwarzenegger) for support when his family...
In Spiral, Malik (Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman), his partner Aaron (Ari Cohen) and daughter Kayla (Jennifer Laporte) move to the suburbs for a change of pace and a...
In director Joe Begos’ (The Mind’s Eye) astounding Bliss, a struggling artist called Dezzy (Dora Madison) resorts to taking a highly-addictive, hallucinatory drug called Bliss (a...
Incident in a Ghostland is quite something. As it comes from Pascal Laugier, the director behind 2012’s hard-hitting Martyrs, you’ll be unsurprised to learn...
In director Jon Knautz‘s The Cleaning Lady the lonely Alice (Alexis Kendra) befriends Shelly (Rachel Alig), a woman scarred by burns. The two develop...
Ahead of the World Premiere of his latest film BLOODLANDS at Horror Channel FrightFest Glasgow 2017, Steven Kastrissios discusses the challenges of making the...
Icon Film Distribution (IFD) and FrightFest, the UK’s leading horror fantasy film festival, have entered into an exclusive partnership that will see IFD releasing FrightFest curated...
Writer/Director Katie Bonham is a talented filmmaker with an undeniable penchant for horror and things that go bump in the night. We’re lucky enough...