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Box Office

First-time feature writer-director John Rosman‘s New Life is a gripping, high-stakes thriller that blends elements of pandemic chillers like Outbreak with the tense cat-and-mouse...

Box Office

Shocking parables of cultural malaise have always been a part of the zeitgeist, but this is especially true now that everyone who isn’t living...

Box Office

Every fall in England, the giant veggie grower community takes its produce to horticultural shows for a weigh-in or a measure-up. These shows provide...


Director Nick Jongerius delivers his first feature, The Windmill, and it is a total joyous massacre of bloody proportions. With old style mayhem, we...

Killer Chords

31 follows a group of carnival workers who find themselves kidnapped and forced to play the game 31; the aim of which is to...

Movie Reviews

I love The Batman.  I’ve read the comics, played the games, watched the movies, and loved the cartoon (the one from the 90s on...

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