ITV has today debuted the official trailer for its forthcoming psychological thriller “Playing Nice,” adapted from the bestselling eponymous novel by British thriller author...
Netflix has today revealed the first look at its highly anticipated new crime drama, “Adolescence,” set to debut in 2025. This four-part limited series,...
The third season of the Gareth Evans and Matt Flannery-created action crime show, “Gangs of London,” is poised to rekindle its popularity once again...
Mike Hermosa‘s (Dutch Hollow, Wildflower) The Invisible Raptor is a delightfully absurd yet ingenious homage to the cherished sci-fi and adventure films of the...
Gird your loins! This Friday, Prime Video will debut its latest original series “My Lady Jane,” a captivating blend of action, history, fantasy, comedy,...
Apple TV+ has released the trailer for the upcoming Spanish-language crime drama “Women in Blue” (“Las Azules”), featuring an all-Hispanic cast and crew, and...
Things are coming to a head in Apple TV+‘s gripping sci-fi thriller series “Dark Matter” which reaches its finale this June 26, 2024. Having captivated audiences...
Apple TV+ has just dropped the official trailer for its forthcoming darkly comedic mystery series “Sunny,” based on the book “Dark Manual” by Japan-based award-winning Irish...
Prime Video has released the official trailer for the platform’s upcoming historical, comical romantasy series “My Lady Jane.” The series is adapted by Gemma...
Apple TV+ has announced the premiere date and provided a first-look at “Bad Monkey,” the forthcoming comedy series from award-winning executive producer Bill Lawrence...
The BBC has commenced production on a brand-new mockumentary series featuring beloved comedy character Alan Partridge. Promising to offer a quintessentially awkward perspective on...
Netflix has today announced the production has officially kicked off in Ireland for Season 2 of the sleuthing, supernaturally infused mystery series “Wednesday.” But...
Netflix has debuted the official trailer for Abi Morgan‘s (The Iron Lady) emotional 6-part thriller series “Eric,” starring Benedict Cumberbatch. The mini-series, written by Morgan and directed...
“Knuckles,” Paramount+‘s original event series, has set an impressive global record with over 4 million hours streamed during its first weekend. This achievement not...
Apple TV+ has unveiled the teaser trailer for its upcoming eight-part limited series “Presumed Innocent,” adapted from Scott Turow’s bestselling eponymous novel. This gripping...
Apple TV+ has today announced that its ten-episode darkly comedic mystery thriller “Sunny” will premiere globally in July 2022. Created by Katie Robbins (“The...
Apple TV+ has just confirmed that its popular Monsterverse series “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters” will be returning for a second season. This epic sci-fi...