Mike Hermosa‘s (Dutch Hollow, Wildflower) The Invisible Raptor is a delightfully absurd yet ingenious homage to the cherished sci-fi and adventure films of the...
ITV has today debuted the official trailer for its forthcoming psychological thriller “Playing Nice,” adapted from the bestselling eponymous novel by British thriller author...
As a die-hard fan of werewolf movies—especially the action-packed, humor-laced, blood-drenched ones—Werewolves had an immediate Pavlovian effect on me the moment I heard that...
Not too long ago we announced that American Mary’s Tristan Risk and We Are What We Are‘s Francisco Barreiro had been cast in director Todd E Freeman’s...
Some great concept images to enjoy from Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy have materialized! Yesterday Marvel released a bunch...
Intense Productions in association with UK Trade and Investment NW will be importing the critically acclaimed and award winning Actor and Hollywood Producer, Carlos...
Director Ti West has served us some some succulent horror platters with the features The House of the Devil and The Innkeepers and segments in both V/H/S...
Star Wars Episode VII finally has some real details about plot, characters and shooting schedules After what feels like eternity of endless rumours, discussions...