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Box Office

Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing have debuted the first official trailer for William Brent Bell‘s (The Boy, Orphan: First Kill) latest shocker, Lord of...

Box Office

A film we never saw coming, mainly given the original film’s dumbfounding final reveal, was Orphan: First Kill. But, all of our skepticism faded...


SYNOPSIS: After orchestrating a brilliant escape from an Estonian psychiatric facility, Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman) travels to America by impersonating the missing daughter of a...

Box Office

One follow-up movie that this writer never imagined happening was Orphan: First Kill, simply because I couldn’t imagine what direction anyone could take Esther’s...


As morning broke on Monday 25th August I couldn’t help but wake up feeling a little depressed knowing that it was the last day...


There something about mirrors that just make them terrifying things, especially in the morning when those bags beneath the eyes and messed up hair...