During last night’s Big Game, Marvel Studios debuted one of the most anticipated trailers: the first sneek peek of Deadpool & Wolverine. Directed by...
Time is of the essence in the Ryan Reynolds-starring The Adam Project and, according to Netflix‘s recently updated weekly viewing metrics system, the aforementioned...
Synopsis: A time-traveling pilot (Ryan Reynolds) teams up with his younger self (Walker Scobell) and his late father (Mark Ruffalo) to come to terms...
DON’T LOOK BACK! LOOK UP! Netflix just debuted the anxiously awaited trailer for its soon-to-be-released sci-fi extravaganza, THE ADAM PROJECT which, despite transporting Ryan...
Ryan Reynolds has wasted no time in jumping straight back into cahoots with his Free Guy helmer, Shawn Levy for Netflix’s soon-to-be-released sci-fi extravaganza,...
Today we bring you a three minutes “making of” featurette for Robert Schwentke’s upcoming supernatural action-comedy R.I.P.D. This special behind-the-scenes video features monster spirit...