Paramount Pictures gave a surprise announcement yesterday with the reveal of their newest blockbuster comedy sequel, coming July 18, 2025. The studio announced that...
Ben Epstein‘s (“In the Vault,” “Happyland”) coming-of-age, debate-sparking drama Who Are You People is all set to receive its North American February 24th, 2023 theatrical day...
MGM has acquired the rights to remake German director Nora Fingscheidt‘s acclaimed 2019 German film Systemsprenger (System Crasher). The original German film is a...
A while back we reported that Jean-Claude Van Damme’s early martial arts film Kickboxer would be getting the reboot treatment with Stephen Fung taking on...
Given the sweeping critic and fan acclaim for Welsh director Gareth Evans‘ breakthrough actioner, The Raid: Redemption, it was more than perceivable that the...
All of thirty-five years after Brian De Palma’s Oscar Nominated film, Carrie scared a generation of teens, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s accepted the challenge of providing...