Lionsgate‘s action thriller comedy, The Killer’s Game, is poised to hit U.S. theaters this Friday, promising equal parts über-violence and irreverent humor. Based on...
Lionsgate Movies has just dropped the first bloodcurdling trailer for Andrew Baird‘s (One Way, Zone 414) vampire feature, Sunrise, written by Academy Award®-nominated screenwriter...
In anticipation of the imminent release of Emerson Moore‘s taut suspense shocker, Escape the Field, Lionsgate has just dropped the first official trailer for the...
Blumhouse, the genre-shaping banner behind recent hits Five Nights at Freddy’s and M3GAN, and Lionsgate Movies have gifted us a new trailer for Jeff...
Blumhouse, the genre-shaping banner behind recent hits Five Nights at Freddy’s and M3GAN, and Lionsgate Movies have today unleashed the first official trailer for...
We have the perfect cure for vampire fatigue today as Lionsgate has released the official trailer for Euros Lyn‘s (Dream Horse, “Heartstopper”) The Radleys,...
For generations, imaginary friends have danced playfully on the fringes of our cultural imagination, evoking nostalgic memories of childhood innocence. Tea parties, pretend adventures...
Synopsis: Six strangers suddenly awaken in a remote, endless cornfield. Stripped of their possessions, they are left with only six items: a gun with...
With Elijah Wood having recently terrorised the neighbourhood as an unhinged serial killer in director Franck Khalfoun‘s updated version of the 1980 cult slasher...