It’s that time of the week again when we hope to be able to provide a helping hand getting your weekend (or, in this week’s case, Halloween) playlists ready.
The last batch of “Noteworthy Nods” included some of the biggest and best new bangers from the likes of The Katuns, The Avenues, The Subways, Pioneers, Bayboards, Voodoos, Megan Wyn and The Reytons – all of which you can still catch up with over here if you missed that. Today’s featured tracks include a wide variety of singles from artists including The Subways, Lostboy, THE FEENS, The Straights, KHARTOUM, We Tibetans, Church Girls and The Lathums, with the latter having literally just announced that their second long player is finally upon us, going by the title of “From Nothing To A Little Bit More.” You can pre-order that hugely-anticipated release here. (If you pre-order it from The Lathums’ store before 3pm GMT Monday 31 October 2022, you’ll receive an exclusive pre-ticket pre-sale code for the bands upcoming UK tour).
As always, we’re all about getting the word out, especially when it comes to rising bands who appreciate, and deserve, all the support they can get, so you’d be doing them all a big favor by showing your support for the music you’ve been enjoying on our lists by sending them your love on social media.
After all, a tweet, an Instagram post, or even just a retweet doesn’t cost a penny and goes a long way to helping musicians out. We’re also always more than grateful for any suggestions/recommendations our readers might have which we’d love for you to share with us over on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. You can also contact Howard Gorman directly on Twitter here where his DM door is always open for any recommendations.
Aside from the aforementioned track recommendations, our Noteworthy section includes weekly videocast interviews featuring musical talent we hope are either already or, about to become your new favorite artists. You can watch/rewatch all previous episodes via the video playlist below featuring the likes of Turin Brakes, Embrace, The Sherlocks, Stanleys, The K’s, The Native, The Clause, and many more.
As always, don’t be a stranger! Please send any recommendations or track submissions to us over on Twitter and Instagram. We look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the tracks we’ve picked out for you this week.