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Dexter Fletcher Breaks Free From Queen Biopic

In short, everyone involved in the upcoming Queen biopic must be going slightly mad as yet another team member has bitten the dust. First Sacha Baron Cohen, who was initially tapped to play the iconic lead singer, felt under pressure and left. Now, helmer Dexter Fletcher, who climbed on board the project last December, has decided to call it a day, putting it down to that crazy little thing called “creative differences.”

Fletcher has been reported to have left the Peter Morgan (The Queen) penned film as he didn’t have the same one vision for the movie set to cover Queen’s rise to fame up to their Live Aid concert in 1985. The film is reported not to cover Mercury’s death.

Although already in “soft pre-production” the show must go on without Fletcher but they will have to work a kind of magic and find someone fast should production want to stick to their planned summer shoot. Should they fail to keep to schedule then Ben Whishaw, currently tapped to play Mercury, may also be telling them to find somebody else to love as he has already signed to start work on the upcoming Bond film straight after.

Who would you like to see step into Fletcher’s shoes to provide a Killer Queen movie? Let us know who you think will rock you…


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