More than 15 years since the critically acclaimed original series DEXTER first premiered, SHOWTIME is reviving the “Dark Passenger” in an upcoming special event series DEXTER: NEW BLOOD, consisting of 10 one-hour episodes.
Taking place one decade after the polarising season 8 finale in which Dexter fleed Miami in the eye of Hurricane Laura, DEXTER: NEW BLOOD finds him living in the fictional small town of Iron Lake, New York, hiding his identity under the name of Jim Lindsay, a local shopkeeper. He has developed a relationship with Angela Bishop, the town’s chief of police, and it would appear that he has suppressed his serial killing urges. But a string of incidents around Iron Lake leads Dexter to fear that his “dark passenger” might reveal itself once again.
Well aware of fans’ grievances with the eighth season’s finale, which he himself has described as ‘confounding’, ‘exasperating’ and ‘frustrating’, in an interview with SCREAM Magazine for his most recent film, John and the Hole, Hall openly disclosed the reasons why he felt there was a need for one last season and why now was a better time than any.
DEXTER: NEW BLOOD will premiere next Sunday, November 7 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME with Hall’s co-stars including original series regular Jennifer Carpenter and The Trinity Killer himself, John Lithgow. To calm your nerves whilst anxiously waiting for Dexter’s welcome return, we’ll leave you with the aforementioned interview below.