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Before & After: Total Recall (1990)

Total Recall is still – to this day – one of the best sci-fi movies ever made.

Why? Because it is based on a Philip K. Dick short story and he was one of the major science-fiction writers to ever have set foot on Earth. Total Recall also encapsulates the spirit of ’90s-style filmmaking thanks to director Paul Verhoeven’s vision. It features everything we loved about the ’90s : Arnold Schwarzenegger as your muscular common dude and part-time hero, Sharon Stone as a demonic uber-fit wife, a triple-breasted alien, suspense, action, romance, bad guys… Long story short, Total Recall is one of those movies that you have to watch once in your life. Or once a year.

But what happened to the cast of Total Recall?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

arnold final

Then : Arnold was obviously the hero, Douglas Quaid. The year is 2084. Doug is a construction worker on Earth but has strange recurring dream about Mars and a mysterious woman. As it turns out, Quaid’s memory was erased and he is in fact a secret agent…

Now : After a few years in office as the Governor of California, Arnold has been back on the silver screen. As of now he has 3 announced projects for 2015 : Terminator, The Legends of Conan and Triplets. He has just finished filming Sabotage that has been sent to post-production and he is on the set of two movies : Maggie and The Expandables 3. In case you missed Arnold when he was no longer acting, you’ll be pleased to be seeing plenty of him in the next years.

Rachel Ticotin

rachel ticotin final

Then : Rachel was Melina, Douglas Quaid’s mysterious dream-girl. Melina is a resistance fighter who knew Quaid before his memory was erased.

Now : Ticotin has mainly scored small roles in TV series for the past few years. With a last appearance in an episode of Blue Bloods, it doesn’t seem like she has any upcoming projects.

Sharon Stone

sharon stone final

Then : Sharon played Quaid’s wife, Lori. This loving-wife persona is just a cover and she actually works for the bad guy in order to monitor Quaid.

Now : Sharon will star in 3 movies that will be released this year : Lovelace, Fading Gigolo, Gods Behaving Badly. While on the set of Un Ragazzo d’Oro, she has acted in What About Love – currently in post-production – and will be part of 3 projects coming up : Papa, Army Bratz, Mothers Day.

Ronny Cox

Ronny Cox final

Then : Ronny was Vilos Cohaagen, the governor of Mars. He is the corrupt head of the bad guys.

Now : Cox has appeared in a few TV series and is back to the silver screen. The Reach is currently being filmed and Nadia’s Promise is in pre-production. Both projects are scheduled to be released in 2014.

We’ll leave you with the trailer for Schwarzenegger‘s latest movie, Escape Plan which is released in the UK on October 18th.

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