Pierce Brosnan (Mrs. Doubtfire, Mamma Mia, and the James Bond franchise) will star alongside Amir El-Masry (Rosewater, A Haunting in Venice, In Camera) in...
The Beatles’ story is coming to the big screen in an unprecedented cinematic event. Sony Pictures Entertainment, acclaimed director Sam Mendes, and Neal Street...
Although the Sex Pistols’ initial career spanned a mere two and a half years, attracting controversies that both captivated and appalled Britain, they remain...
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Winston Churchill With the Jonathan Teplitzky-helmed biopic, CHURCHILL poised for...
Salon Pictures has just confirmed having wrapped My Name is Lenny after a four week shoot in London’s East End. The feature film, which added Academy...