Interviews Interview: Will Yun Lee Talks Playing Harada in ‘The Wolverine’ Sixth time for Hugh Jackman in his latest The Wolverine, first time for Will Yun Lee who’s an addition to the franchise in its... Ashley NorrisJuly 29, 2013
Box Office Meet Logan, Yukio, Harada & Viper in ‘The Wolverine” Character Featurettes Just when you thought we could get any more trailers, clips or featurette videos in relation to the upcoming movie The Wolverine we are... Howard GormanJuly 11, 2013
Box Office 1st Frenetic Extended Clip From ‘The Wolverine’ With just a couple of weeks to wait until The Wolverine hits cinemas this 26th of July, 20th Century Fox has released the first... Howard GormanJuly 9, 2013