Sadie Katz is back on Cinema Chords! Last time we spoke to her she was promoting House of Bad and was very hopeful for the films that were coming her way. Let’s see how she is getting on now…
This interview was first published on Mr Rumsey’s Film Related Musings, check it out here!
Hey Sadie, it’s good to chat with you again! How are you?
James! So happy we meet again! Means we’re both working Hurrah!
Haha yeah! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today; I know you’re pretty busy. Last time we spoke you were promoting House of Bad and we also talked about your writing project Scorned, how has their success impacted upon your career at all?
The evolution of House Of Bad has just been such a trip to ride out. I think the big turning point was it’s winning Fan Favourite at The Big Bear Horror Fest because, we were able to get so many horror sites and reviewers to take a look at it like…,,, Maven’s Movie Vault to name a few. Fans were complaining it was flying off the shelf at Wal-mart and staying pretty high on IMDb and such…I mean that just doesn’t normally happen with these indies…so yeah…I think that coupled with my writing of Scorned with writer/director/creator of the original Leprechaun ummm…it certainly didn’t hurt things.
You do seem to be taking a lot on at the moment; do you enjoy the challenge of being busy and having a lot of work? Or is it a bit of a nightmare?
That’s funny. I like that! I think the on-going nightmare everyone in Los Angeles has in entertainment is you wake up and your phone isn’t ringing. No texts, no emails and you put on a mysterious 15 pounds and you can’t think of one creative idea and oh god…I’m going to cry or throw up just thinking about it. I love being busy. But, it does get in the way of my drinking wine. That means I’m really happy and working. I’m smoking too much though. Which, means ummm…I’m really happy and working hard. I’m grateful. Correction. I’m not like working hard as like a nurse or a construction worker or a teacher…I’m working hard doing what I’ve absolutely begged and dreamt and wanted more than oxygen.
So, let’s talk about Wrong Turn 6. I’ve been told that I can’t ask you about your character at all… that’s very mysterious. What can you tell us about the movie?
Haha. Isn’t that crazy??? It’s scary, it’s sexy. It’s bloody. Okay, what can I say without Fox freaking out…ummm…the three baddies are in it. There is a sexy cast…the men in it are handsome geez. Chris Jarvis, Anthony Illot, Rollo Skinner, Harry Belcher geez they’re just heartthrobs. Look out for these guys. Aqueela Zoll is so sexy and her just her essence is a star quality and you see a lot of her. A LOT. But, enough of that. Let’s talk about what the fans want to hear it’s a freaking disgusting sick, twisted blood, gore bath. Valari…he…shit I can’t say that either well…Fox wanted to sorta relaunch and it’s a kind of a gift to the fans for hanging in there… the D.P. work is just so good. The kills are the next level. We kept saying….are we even allowed to do this??? Well, it’s unrated so…I guess that answers THAT question. Frank Woodworth wrote this wildly imaginative script that so strange, original…I don’t know. I can’t say anything about my character so….there you go…
And what particularly made you want to take this one on?
Dude, it’s Wrong Turn….and my character….is so freaking rad. Thanks Frank. And UFO Productions in Sofia Bulgaria has the best reputation for treating their actors well and they did. John, Jeff and Phil are just the coolest.
So you’d seen the Wrong Turn series before receiving this gig then?
Yes. They’re disgusting. They’re fun. They’re fantasy horror. You can’t take them seriously. I love them. I’m gross like that. Ha.
It’s one of the longest running horror series in recent times so it’s pretty exciting that you’ve landed a place in it! How does it compare jumping into an existing series like this compared with joining a brand new project?
It’s a total gift…the fans are wildly supportive. I feel very lucky and love connecting with them. I hope they love the film as much as we all did shooting it.
There’s no doubt that you seem to like your horror films! What is it do you reckon that seems to always draw people back to this genre?
I said it before but, the first game we learn as babies is peek-a-boo…we love being scared. It’s built into us. It’s that thrill. It never goes away. The challenge of survival we live with everyday. Watching a horror film is an hour and a half rollercoaster. It’s a thrill. It’s not real…let’s hope not.
That’s a really interesting point… . Is that why you act in a lot of them?
As an actor you follow the work…ha…I just got lucky I suppose. I’m a chicken so…I guess fate is leading the way. But, I have some drama and actions under my belt Chavez: Cage of Glory with Danny Trejo and Steven Bauer and Nipples & Palm Trees which is on Netflix now…check it out. It’s a rauchy sex cult comedy stayed in the top 100 films for a while.
Back in February I read that you were directing a documentary about your quest to meet Bill Murray. That sounds pretty different! How has that been going?
I love you mentioned that…but, I plead the fifth. Yes, it’s true. I’m on a Bill Murray quest. …I say no more. It’s my passion project. He’s an enigma.
How come you decided to pick that as your directorial debut?
He’s like the Buddah of the internet. And the truth is I love documentaries. When my engagement broke up I wanted to do a little soul searching my version of my own little “eat, pray, love journey” my fiancé gave me $10,000 to start anew I decided to find Bill Murray. Made sense to me. This should tell you everything you need to know how my brain works. Ha. Ummm..yeah.
Well it certainly sounds like an interesting and unusual idea! What about your other acting projects? What else should we be looking out for?
“State of Desolation” with the absolutely amazingly talented, sexy, intelligent Jamie Bernadette also directed by Jim Towns and another one with Trejo “No Way Out.”
Fantastic, thank you Sadie for chatting with me today!
Thank you!!!
Sadie has asked us to share her different social media profiles so here we have Facebook:
And Instagram:
Wrong Turn 6 shall be at FrightFest on the 22nd of next month, we will update you when we know more!