Mike Hermosa‘s (Dutch Hollow, Wildflower) The Invisible Raptor is a delightfully absurd yet ingenious homage to the cherished sci-fi and adventure films of the...
ITV has today debuted the official trailer for its forthcoming psychological thriller “Playing Nice,” adapted from the bestselling eponymous novel by British thriller author...
As a die-hard fan of werewolf movies—especially the action-packed, humor-laced, blood-drenched ones—Werewolves had an immediate Pavlovian effect on me the moment I heard that...
Following previous releases Coraline and ParaNorman, Focus Features have released the first trailer to their latest animated movie, The Boxtrolls, inspired by Alan Snow’s...
With just one more month before Bong Joon-Ho’s post-apocalyptic thriller Snowpiercer releasing in South Korea some new images have arrived, hot on the trail...