Prime Video has just debuted the trailer for the six-part limited series “Expats” which interrogates privilege and explores what happens when the line between victimhood...
Prime Video has announced that “Expats,” the six-part limited series directed by Lulu Wang (The Farewell, Posthumous) and based on Janice Y. K. Lee’s...
Apple TV+ has today released the first official trailer for the darkly comedic anthology series, “Roar” which promises audiences an insightful, poignant and occasionally...
Apple TV+’s imminent female-driven anthology series, “Roar,” promises audiences an insightful, poignant and occasionally hilarious portrayal of what being a woman means in this...
Avenge father. Save mother. Kill Fjölnir. Universal Pictures has today released the first trailer for visionary director Robert Eggers‘ (The Lighthouse, The Witch) action-filled...