IFC Films and Shudder have revealed the release date, first trailer, and poster for Humane, a chilling dystopian satire directed by Caitlin Cronenberg in...
IFC Films and Shudder have acquired the rights to Image Nation Abu Dhabi and Spooky Pictures’ supernatural horror Late Night with the Devil, written directed...
Following last month’s teaser trailer of writer-director Andrew Semans‘ (Nancy, Please) sophomore feature Resurrection, IFC Films has today unleashed the first official full trailer for...
IFC Films has just unleashed the first bone-chilling teaser for Andrew Semans‘ 2022 Sundance smash hit shocker Resurrection. Writer-director Semans’ sophomore feature (following 2012’s...
Following successful official selection screenings of Chloe Okuno‘s (V/H/S/94) WATCHER at this year’s Sundance and SXSW film festivals, IFC Films has now dropped the...