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New Theatrical Trailer for Homefront

Since 2003’s Runaway Jury director Gary Fleder has been focussing on TV work but now he’s back with Homefront… armed with Jason Statham.

It’s Straw Dogs meets Taken meets The Stath. Everything and the kitchen sink has been thrown at this trailer detailing the story well into Act III. A heavy-duty arsenal of talent comes with it too. Though clearly there for the pay cheque, James Franco makes for a menacing hick. Kate Bosworth does bad hair and worse skin. It’s even got Winona Ryder. And all adapted from a Chuck Logan novel by one Sylvester Stallone. CinemaChords can’t wait to sneak a peek at this guilty-looking pleasure and find out what the hell happens to that kid.

We’ll leave you with a look at the lastest trailer for Homefront hitting cinemas from DECEMBER 6TH, 2013

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