Sketchbook, an Original instructional documentary series featuring artists from Disney Animation, will premiere on Disney Plus this April 27, providing an intimate fly-on-the-wall view on the desks and into the lives of talented artists and animators who work their magic, one line at a time.
Each episode focuses on a single artist teaching viewers how to draw a single iconic character from a Walt Disney Animation Studios film. As viewers learn the steps to drawing these characters, the series will also offer insight into the artists themselves, each having a unique story to tell about how they made their way to Disney and their chosen character.
From the creators of “Chef’s Table,” this exclusive experience will give viewers of all ages a new understanding of how these beloved characters are brought to life on the screen while introducing them to a new cast of real-life characters along the way.
The series will feature Story Apprentice Gabby Capili drawing Kuzco from Emperor’s New Groove, Animator Hyun-Min Lee drawing Olaf from Frozen, Animator Eric Goldberg drawing Genie from Aladdin, Visual Development Artist Jin Kim drawing Captain Hook from Peter Pan, Story Artist Samantha Vilfort drawing Mirabel from Encanto, and Animator Mark Henn drawing Young Simba from The Lion King.
Sketchbook will premiere this April 27 on Disney Plus and, in the meantime, we’ll leave you with the series trailer.